»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming About a Stork
StorkDreaming that a stork circles above you, means you will accomplish your desires and longings.......
StormTo dream you see a storm , suggests you need to sort some serious errors of someone's actions or you will have many pro...
StoreTo dream that you have a store , predicts that you may have lost money.......
StoryTo dream that you played a story , suggests that in reality you will be an accomplice or witness in castling hidden int...
StoryTo dream that you tell a story , suggests that you are to hear slurs and slanders about yourself.......
StoneIf someone throws a stone at you in your dream, it suggests you will hear a bad word.......
StoneTo dream of a stone , means you are going in a bad way.......
StormyTo dream you see a stormy day, means you will have difficulties and obstacles in something and will be afraid that the...
StormsIf you see storms in your dream, you will have serious errors of one's actions with many consequences.......
StoveTo dream of being inside a stove portends pregnancy.......
StoolTo dream that you see or sit on a stool , indicates that you are not fraught with sorrow or grief.......1
StoatTo dream of a stoat , indicates the promise of wealth and prosperity.......
Snow stormDreaming of a snow storm , suggests you may expect serious trouble and misery.......
Story TellingTo dream that you write a story , suggests that your dream will remain unfulfilled.......
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