»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming About a Past Colleague
- ColleagueTo dream of colleagues , means there is an issue that is affected too much by foreign opinion.......
- ColleagueTo dream of colleagues , suggests an issue has too much influence on foreign opinion.......
- ColleaguesIf you dream of your work colleagues or team, then that too is influencing the opinions of others.......
- PastTo dream of happy and relaxed photographs from the past , suggests you also expect the same in the coming months.......
- Former colleagueTo dream of a former colleague , means you highlight the aspects of your relationship with your colleague , including....
- CollegeTo dream you visit a college , suggests you will have small failures.......
- PastaDreaming that you eat or cook pasta , predicts that you will have less problems and family troubles.......
- PassDreaming that you pass a gate, means you will get rid of difficulties.......
- PastaDreaming of spaghetti, suggests then that you are deprived of something or you are selectively different.......
- Past loveIf you dream you see an old love, expect separation.......
- PastryTo dream of pastry , suggests you wait well.......
- PastorDreaming of a pastor , means you will offend someone with an indecent proposal.......
- Pastry, sweetsTo dream that you make a cake, baked or boiled sweets that are a little sweet, indicates that you will be proud of your....
- Co workerSeeing a colleague in your sleep means that you worry about opinions too much.......
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