»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming About a Bleeding and Injured Person
Injured dogTo dream of an injured dog, means that you are losing a good friend.......
BlessingIf you bless a stranger or an old man in your dream, means your longevity and health.......
Bleeding woundsTo dream you have in your body bleeding wounds, means you have problems and troubles.......
Personinto a blessing .......
InjuryTo dream that you are trying to cause harm, means the person next to you wants to modify.......
Dead PersonIf you see a living person as dead, understanding and happiness will come to you.......
Deceased PersonDreaming that you find a deceased person , signifies that you expect confidentiality.......
Horse and StableTo dream of a red horse, suggests you have glory and honor.......
Hide and seekTo dream that see the game of hide - and - seek, means you will treat the work lightly and to colleagues will talk.....
Adam and EveTo dream of Adam and Eve with a snake, suggests it is likely to convey you be should cautious.......
Bow and arrowIf you see a bow and arrow in a dream, expect trouble.......
Black and whiteIf you dream of white, then you are expecting progress, good health, achievements, joy and love.......
PersueIf you dream that you persue of an animal, you will have many errors, which you should fix at any price.......
PeriodIf you dream of a period , you will be presented a harsh truth.......
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