»Dream Dictionary»Dream Symbol of Seeing a Winning Lottery Ticket
Winning Winning in a dream, maeans that in reality you will regret the way you did things.......
LotteryTo dream of the lottery numbers, suggests to use them in reality.......
LotteryDreaming that win you lottery , means you may have lost money or property and have an unexpected outlay.......
Bus ticketIf you dream of bus tickets , it suggests you quickly finish what you started work.......
Plane ticketIf you see a ticket , you must complete the work you started.......
TickleTo dream of tickling, suggests an expected grief and sorrow.......
Seeing Someone DieDreams about seeing someone die indicate that some part of yourself is going to die.......
TicksIf you dream that you kill ticks , you'll defend your work.......
LottoIf you buy a lottery ticket , you will try your luck. If you dream of certain numbers, use them in reality.......
TickTo dream of a crawling tick , suggests you expect problems in the workplace.......
TickTo dream that you can hear a tick , predicts that you should care about your health situation and suggests that you......
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances.....
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
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