»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meanings Bullet Wounds
BulletTo dream the bullet was near, suggests you wait excited news.......
Bleeding woundsTo dream of bullet wounds , means there is a kind of misunderstanding or concerned relatives.......
Yeast woundsTo dream that you have yeast wounds , means you will have a decent success.......
WoundedIf you dream of a wounded person, then you will have success in your work.......
BullsTo dream you kill a bull , suggests you can do with a secret enemy.......
BulgeTo dream you see salience, means you will be fooled that your abilities are much more than reality.......
Gunshot woundA gunshot wound in your sleep is a sign of the heart’s misunderstandings or anxieties for relatives.......
Beating, BullyTo dream that you are a bully , means should ask for help to fulfill your ambition or anger.......
Bull dogIf you dream of a bull dog, protect yourself, because you are at a disadvantage.......
RevolverTo dream that you are wounded by a revolver, predicts that you would lose.......
Clotted bloodTo dream of clotted blood, means that there is no sense in messing in someone's wounds and past problems, or that old....
ShotIf you dream of a shot wound that is impending problems, means the worrying news for risky ventures.......
Bombswill suddenly hear of an important meeting, if you hear the rumble of a bomb – you will have a happy worry, if it wound...
NostrilDreaming of animals with big nostrils, suggests that you seem like a miser and bully .......
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