»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning of Kneading Dough
DoughIf you see or dream of kneading , you're about to have guests whom you like, or you will hear some good news.......
KneadingDreaming of kneading dough , means that someone would spend much of their collected work.......
KneelingIf you dream that you are kneeling , they'll cheat or play you.......
DoubtTo dream of doubt , means you have to be patient, careful and diplomatic in dealing with others.......
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances.....
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
Box of cigarettesTo dream of a box of cigarettes, means you realize that you have hopes in vain.......
Pot of moneyTo dream a pot of money, suggests understanding and harmony in the family.......
News of deathTo dream you got news of the death, means your long life and happiness.......
Extraction of teethIf you dream extraction of teeth, means you allow mistakes in your work.......
Gates of hellTo dream you see the doors of hell, means you take care of problems.......
Tower of BabylonTo dream you see the Tower of Babylon, suggests you expect problems in work, love and home.......
Bottle of wineTo dream of a bottle of wine, suggests festivities will be serious.......
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