»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning Soup
SoupDreaming that you eat or cook soup , signifies that you should get good news or that a friend will not attend.......
SourTo dream that something has a sour or acidic taste, suggests you have big disappointments.......
SourTo dream that you see, smell or feel food, means that you are disappointment of expectations or your friend.......
SourIf you taste something sour in a dream, big disappointments await you.......
SoulDreaming that your soul is leaving your body means that you may find yourself sacrificing your time and energy to usel...
SoundTo hear an acute sound , means to expect danger.......
AcidTasting sour or acid in your sleep, means you have big disappointments ahead.......
CherryTo dream that you buy or pick ripe sour cherries, means you are in love and have a sensual relationship.......2
PapayaSee in your dream a sour , unripe or rotten fruit, warns about your health problems, and potential damage.......
TympanumDreaming that you hear the sound of the tympanum, predicts that you will have tidings ahead that will bring joy and......
Mechanical pianoDreaming you hear the sound of a mechanical piano, means you will have news that will surprise you.......
TambourineTo see or hear a tambourine sound , means you will have two friends.......
DucatIf you see a shiny ducat in your dream or hear the sound of the rattle of a ducat, suggests a problem or disease.......
DripIf you hear the sound of how drops drip, then slowly but surely you will improve your material status or social positi...
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