»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Violet Rose
VioletTo dream you see violet , means you are sincere and of candid affair.......
VioletDreaming of pink violets , predict feelings of shame.......
RosesTo dream of white roses , is a sign of innocence. Dreaming of pink roses , indicates that you feel shy.......
Rose pedalSeeing in your dream wreath made of Rose pedal pieces, expect grief, sadness and problems.......
ViolinIf you hear a violin in your dream, someone will declare their love, which has existed for a long time.......
ViolaTo dream you see a viola , means you have people around you as requested.......
Grafted rosesTo dream of grafted roses , suggests that you will have money and honor.......
Red rosesIf you're dreaming of red roses , you are passionate in love.......
White rosesIf you see a Rose , you will love. White roses are a sign of innocence.......
Day dreaming Interpretation of this dream depends on the day of the related elements (sun, stars, moon, clouds, etc).......
LibraTo dream yourself as the sign, means that the interpretation is literal.......
PinkIf you love or have the ability to cure through love, this is a symbol of the pink rose .......1
BonfireIf you see a blazing bonfire in a dream, then you will have violent passions - sometimes love and joy, sorrow and some...
Heavy fireTo dream of a strong fire, suggests that you will have violent passions with alternating signs of sometimes love and.....
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