»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Spitting Blood
- SpittingTo spit, means you will enjoy outstanding success and achievements. If you spit at someone in you dream, means your......2
- BloodTo see blood in your dream, means you will understand the truth.......
- SpinningDreaming of someone spinning , suggests you soon wait for a wedding.......1
- Spit bloodIf you spit blood in your sleep, you will be angry and commit folly trough fury.......
- Clotted bloodTo dream of clotted blood , means that there is no sense in messing in someone's wounds and past problems, or that old....
- BlockTo dream that you are chopping wood on a block , suggests that you are to get rid of someone who bothers you.......
- BlockTo dream you are repairing a block , suggests you will lose money.......
- BlondeTo dream you are blonde , suggest then you likely expected happiness and marriage.......
- Bloody eyeTo dream of a bloody eye, means you lose due to an injury.......
- Blond locksTo dream of blond locks, predicts that you will have a false friend.......
- Bloody HandsIf your hands are bloody in a dream - stop meddling in other people's affairs.......
- Spot of BloodTo dream of spot of blood , signifies that you will hear a truth.......
- Blonde hairIf you see a blonde man in a dream, it means that you have a hidden or secretive friend.......
- Blow jobA dream of French love and pleasure, means good times ahead, as well as good emotions. If you dream that you are seein...
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