»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Spilling Wine
WineTo dream you pour wine into cups or drink a glass of wine , suggests you will enjoy the success and progress.......
SpittingTo spit, means you will enjoy outstanding success and achievements. If you spit at someone in you dream, means your......2
SpinningDreaming of someone spinning , suggests you soon wait for a wedding.......1
WinkDreaming that someone winks at you, means you will get a love proposal.......
WingTo dream you see the wing of a bird or hear the wing - beat, means the future cases will favor you.......
WindTo dream of a silent wind , means you will have a shared love, and if the wind is strong and blustery, someone will t...
Red WineTo dream of red wine , predicts that you will receive some unpleasant truth, but love your forthcoming successes.......
Pouring wineTo dream that you are pouring wine , signifies that something will cost you, or someone will interfere with your happin...
Drinking wineTo dream that of drinking wine , suggests that you will have much success and fame.......
Raspberry WineIf you're drinking raspberry wine in your dream - be careful - this may be a warning not to drink excessive amount...
Red WineIf you dream of red wine , you will learn an unpleasant truth, but you will be successful in love.......
White wineIf the wine is white, you would easily defeat enemies or competitors.......
Bottle of wineTo dream of a bottle of wine , suggests festivities will be serious.......
Wind BlowingDreaming of a quiet wind , you will have a shared love, and if the wind is strong and wild, someone will try to destr...
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