»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Leather Jacket
LeatherTo dream you buy a leather dress or jacket , means your work will give good results.......
JacketTo dream you dress in a jacket , indicates you will take another fault or liability.......1
JacketTo dream that you buy a jacket , means you will have a secular expression.......
JacketDreaming that you see a torn, dirty or old jacket , suggests that you have failed a plan or idea.......
Strait jacketDreaming you see someone in a straitjacket , suggests your love is to be mislead. Dreaming that someone is in a strait...
LeaderTo dream that another is the leader , predicts you shall be of foreign opinion.......
LeaderTo dream you see a leader , indicates you will suffer from intrigues and a scandal.......
JackpotIf you are dreaming of a jackpot you will probably be born an heir however this occurs of after many problems.......1
JackalTo dream that you see a jackal , indicates that you will have rogue friends.......1
JackTo dream of a jack , suggests you should not be unresolved to a request for assistance.......
QuiltDream you buy or wear a quilted jacket , means you take your new purchases home.......
Patent accessoriesTo dream you wear patent leather shoes, means you will receive unexpected news.......
LibraTo dream yourself as the sign, means that the interpretation is literal.......
Day dreaming Interpretation of this dream depends on the day of the related elements (sun, stars, moon, clouds, etc).......
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