»Dream Dictionary»Christian Dream Interpretation dry Fruit
FruitIf the fruit is ripe, you are ready to have an inheritance......
ChristmasTo dream you are waiting for Christmas , suggests you are waiting for great joy.......
Dry wellDreaming of a dry well, suggests that you are to lose money or a benefactor.......
Dry springTo dream of a dry spring or fountain, means you are losing a fortune in your family.......
Dry riverDreaming that you see a dried up river, means you will implement intentions and plans.......
Dried fruitTo dream that you eat, or that you see dried fruit , signifies family happiness and good health.......
Fruit Treespersistence and work, you will see the fruits of your labor.......
Fruit TreeIf you plant a fruit tree or you are in an orchard in a dream, then you will see the results of your labor, you will.....
Dried fruitDreaming that you eat or see dried fruit , suggests that you are suffering from the fact that you are extremely generou...
Citrus fruitsDreaming that you see a citrus fruit , suggests that you will have good cash and a settled life.......
Christmas treeTo dream of a Christmas tree, indicates that you are traveling abroad.......
Christmas lights Christmas lights symbolize the personal attitudes and hopes of people to Christmas as a holiday.......
PapayaCanned fruits in your dream, you'll save money, you will heap property.......
JuiceTo dream that you see a well ripened and juicy fruit , signifies that you are a success and have happiness and understa...
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