The tense aspects of Venus with Mars and Jupiter will provoke powerful emotions today. Some will face difficulties in curbing their desires, while others will face a tendency toward laziness and postponing of tasks.
Aries - Even though it won't be to your liking, today you'll have to just accept the dose of unpleasant events. Your acumen will face a challenge, especially if you have to travel or attend an educational course. Seek out sober-minded friends, who can encourage you, should you lose confidence.
Taurus - Unexpected events and people will appear today. Even though you're not among those impulsive type of people, relax and have fun today, despite the fact that your premeditated plans will fall through. You can go somewhere new or try exotic food. Don't deal with any financial tasks and forget about control today.

Gemini - Today others will pull on you from all sides with a plea for help. You may find your loved ones on one side, and friends on the other, all of whom require your undivided attention. Rely on your ingenuity to satisfy loved ones and definitely be sure to use kind words if convincing someone of something.
Cancer - Physical activity today will bring you satisfaction, and even if you're lacking the necessary motivation for exercise, if you run or do some workouts you'll be proud of yourself. Expect a wonderful piece of news from one of your closest friends.
Leo - You'll be tense all throughout the day, largely due to your obsession over a given project. Think before you act and speak, and if you have need of advice, seek out a more experienced person. Loved ones will understand you and show their concern, although the aid they offer won't be substantial.
Virgo - Even if you try to conceal the sparks that are flying between you and a person of the opposite sex, they will be noticed by others around you. You are not in the mood for talking about your feelings right now, even though your desires aren't a secret to anyone. On top of it all, several tasks will arise, which you'll have to work on simultaneously.
Libra - You may be too impatient in realizing your desires today. You'll be quickly enthused by each novelty you encounter. But don't be hasty to act, so that you don't cause new problems at work or in love.
Scorpio - You've been having serious problems with money in the past few days. An opportunity, and more specifically an investor, will appear today who can resolve your hardships. You may also make a deal that will noticeably improve your financial abilities. Keep an eye open for opportunities and don't miss them.

Sagittarius - If you haven't been sufficiently organized so far, today you'll face the consequences of this. All the obligations you've put off will reappear and you'll have to finish each and every one of them today. Those, who have been more disciplined, will enjoy a less hectic day.
Capricorn - Your worries today will be overexaggerated, primarily the result of your fear of sudden changes. Use your imagination more and your day won't be as stressful. You may enter the role of an adviser to someone from your social circle, while the very fact that they are heeding your words will positively affect your self-esteem.
Aquarius - Today you'll want nothing more than to laze around in peace but your friends or loved ones won't let this happen. Use the opportunity to strengthen your ties with loved ones and don't ignore them. Your conversations will bring up events you've long forgotten.
Pisces - Today you can say farewell to everything undesired in your life. News you receive may provoke this wish or it could be something you've longed for for some time. Boldly mark a new start today and within a month you'll enjoy greater achievements.