This week the New Moon phase will be in Sagittarius. The planet of love, Venus, also enters the fire sign. A conjunction will form between the Sun and Saturn, helping us free ourselves of illusions.
Aries - A week of reflection to come
Throughout this week you will have to reflect upon your mistakes and successes in the past. Even if you are avoiding it, you will have to get to it eventually, when provoked by certain people or situations. This Saturday you will not find sincerity in communication and will receive countless excuses by people who have hurt you.
Taurus - Prepare yourself for huge criticism
The aspects in which your sign ruler Venus enters this week will turn you into an object of criticism. Besides being evaluated more than usual, throughout the week different people will feel obligated to give you guidance and advice. The New Moon this Saturday will deepen your emotional connection with your partner.

Gemini - You need to be more organized
The day-to-day life in the coming week requires you to put in more order in your workplace, as well as in your personal relationships. In the days up to November 23rd, you will highly likely come face-to-face with someone's insincerity. The New Moon in Sagittarius will offer you new partnerships which will pull the wool over your eyes.
Cancer - Clarify your love relationships
In the new week, you need to thoroughly discuss the direction that your relationship with your partner is heading in. Even if you have ended certain relations, you need to bring more clarity to some old issues. The aspects require you to radiate more confidence and stability. The New Moon on the 22nd will briefly make you the center of attention.
Leo - Expect professional growth
The conjunction between the Sun and Saturn this Tuesday will bring your development in your career to the fore. Now is the time for a new beginning and to turn your back on the things that have made you feel insecure. But don't forget to double check everything that gets in your way. The New Moon this Saturday will urge you to ask yourself fundamental questions.

Virgo - Don't be fooled by dazzling promises
In the days leading to November 23rd, you need to inform yourself more and not allow dazzling promises to fool you. There is a danger of certain people taking advantage of your fears and worries in order to pressure you but you must not allow this to happen. Toward the end of the week, you will focus on family affairs.
Libra - Be more responsible when it comes to finances
In the beginning of the week, people might come to you to help settle an argument. The middle of the week will require you to be more responsible in your financial dealings. Some of you will need to stand by your principles, with the possibility of the ensuing conflict ruining your relations with a loved one. With the New Moon on Saturday you will meet new people.
Scorpio - You need to be more prudent in your actions
The conjunction between the Sun and Saturn in your sign requires you to be more prudent and moderate in your actions. You need to stand firmly by your decisions and take responsibility for your mistakes. The New Moon in Sagittarius will bring you disappointment in love, since it will turn out that some of your expectations will have been entirely futile.

Sagittarius - A period of tolerance is to come
This week, Venus enters into your sign and will remain until December 10th, inciting you more towards tolerance and forgiveness. At work you need to make your viewpoint clear, especially if you do not agree with something. The New Moon in your sign on the 22nd will urge you to seek out something new.
Capricorn - Serious tasks await you
The aspects this week will have you face crucial tasks. Key issues at work will have the need to be clarified and you must not ignore them under any circumstance. The week will be successful for you if you work in the field of social networks and technologies. This is the right time to put in more efforts to achieve your goals.
Aquarius - Expect tension at the workplace
The tension at work this week will be intense. You may end up clashing with your boss's authority or having to ask for reports from your subordinates, which will not make them very happy. Despite this, you need to be more critical than usual and check the information you're receiving. The New Moon on Saturday will boost your social activity.
Pisces - Set your priorities straight
You need to set a clear goal this week and pursue it until it becomes reality. Clearly setting your priorities is fundamentally important for your professional development. Expectations of you are high but success will bring you prestige and respect from others.