To furnish your home so that it radiates peace and harmony is really not an easy job.
Every thing in your home radiates energy. Some Furniture and accessories however can possess negative energy. So what are they?

One of the most dangerous interior accessories are African masks. These objects of worship are originally for African culture and they are a contact of information from Spirits and after death forces.
In fact, not all masks have negative energy. There are different types of masks - good spirits, spirits of the prophets, and evil spirits. So it's very dangerous to hold such masks at home if you do not know what energy is invested in them.
Even more dangerous is to decorate the wall with a mask when brought directly from Africa. It may be coded with information of separation, conflicts and even the worse, death. If you have African Masks at home and misfortune befalls you then, you now know the reason why.
Another subject which carries negative energy in the house is skin from killed animals, stuffed animals and insects. They worsen the atmosphere in the home.
It is important that in the kitchen you keep only healthy utensils. Cups with broken handles or plates with cracked edges should be immediately discarded, however expensive they are.
To have love and understanding in the family do not keep books of horrors in the bedroom. It is notorious that man is most vulnerable when asleep.When sleeping the contents of the books envelope over the sleeping man. So it's best that books are kept in separate rooms, such as a library.
Paintings of sea storms and natural disasters also have negative energy and are able to "live" in the daily life of man.