To find out what numerology has in store for you in the days up till December 21st, calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number or the numbers 11 and 22.
1 - This week will be perfect for you to have fun with your family and friends. Humor and joy will be all around you in the days to come. You need to focus on your love relationship as well, clearly defining your needs. If for some time you've been feeling mixed up in love, now is the time to figure out exactly what you need;
2 - Ahead lie days that will predispose you to taking more risks and challenges. You will only receive what you want if you are confident in yourself. Don't give up if you make a mistake. The week will be perfect for travels, which you can share with your loved ones;
3 - Find more free time this week in which to laze around. Free yourself of the physical tension and surround yourself with people you love. Try to do something that gives you pleasure each day;
4 - This week you need to show honesty toward others. Do not try to fool anyone, no matter if it's your coworker, a family member or your romantic partner. Be direct in your actions and words, not worrying about harming others;
5 - In the days until December 21st, you will appear to be excessively demanding in the eyes of those around you. But this attitude of yours will not be liked much at the workplace or at home. You may face a conflict that will not be easy to resolve. You need to remember that often people have different opinions, don't insist on your own;
6 - You will be presented with the opportunity to get even closer to the people in your life. Be honest when talking about yourself for there is a large possibility for you to be found out. Remember that true friends have no need of improvement, so avoid criticizing yourself as well;
7 - Throughout the week you may feel unappreciated or not quite confident in your appearance. Avoid pursuing any kinds of standards of perfection, you would only feel worse if you do. If you're in a relationship that's falling apart, look at the situation objectively without blaming only yourself;
8 - You will have to juggle between love and responsibility at the workplace, which may lead to misunderstandings in one of these. You may also have conflicts with loved ones if you continue to keep secrets or if you refuse to take any responsibility in your relationship. On the other hand, your financial situation will noticeably improve this week;
9 - In the coming days, do not hesitate or let others make decisions for you. Stride boldly toward your goals and only do things that will lead to some type of realization. In general you love being in a relationship but your fear of ending up alone makes you seem insecure;
11 - For those who are in a relationship, the week will be filled with happy moments. You can plan a romantic vacation with your partner in the days to come. Don't be afraid to voice your desires because this will make you look more confident. Persons who are single need to be more daring with the opposite sex, without being afraid of rejection;
22 - A week which you will spend mostly with your family is coming up ahead. The days right before the holidays are an excellent time to visit relatives because the days until December 21st will be ideal for travel. If your relatives live way too far and you can't visit them, at least write or call them.