Leonardo da Vinci is among the grandest figures of the Italian Renaissance, and in the history of the world as well. He has been labeled a genius, whose remarkable masterpieces and knowledge may not even be fully understood. Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, researcher, thinker, mathematician and more. His works are still being studied to this day.
While his artistic masterpieces continue to fascinate anyone who looks upon them to this day, his scientific discoveries and notes in his journals remained unpublished and unused for years. Only recently have researchers begun to focus more on his prophecies.
They predicted events centuries in the future. Many of the prophecies made by this unique person, who was ahead of his time, have already come true. Even more await us in the near future. And this is quite frightening, considering what's been said in them.
Leonardo da Vinci left behind a mysterious set of prophecies for the generations to come. Unified under the title "Prognosis", they appear to be some sort of literary puzzle. One of the characteristic things about him was wrapping completely ordinary things in an enigma.

In his set of prophecies, there are many texts related to a prognosis for the future. However, they are fairly unclear, making them open to different interpretations. Each one of them is incredibly dark and pessimistic, even when talking about some type of technological discovery.
For example, Leonardo da Vinci predicted the arrival of mobile communication with the words:
- People will be able to talk with one another from lands farthest away.

He spoke of the Internet in the same way. Aside from the invention of highly technological communications, the painter also foretold of the global warming that is now catching up to us:
- The seawater will rise up to the highest mountain peaks, to the sky and will once again fall on top of people's homes.
One of the prophecies for the near future goes as follows:
- Many of these people will hide, along with their children. There, in the deeps, there in the caves, they will live with their families for many months, without any artificial or natural light...
According to analysts, he was speaking of a devastating nuclear apocalypse on Earth.