Aries are egocentric but responsible and selfless, which is why it is not advised to get into an argument with them. Representatives of this zodiac sign often apply different methods of achieving their goals. Adept manipulators, they can fuel one with positive, as well as with negative energy.
Aries is caring and loves to help others, he is free-hearted and outgoing. However, he is often hasty. Aries are highly egocentric and have an excessive sense of pride. This explains their tyrannical behavior toward their family.

The male Aries has a slight, characteristic projection on his forehead, right where his hairline starts. He has thin lips, which are usually tightly closed. Their eyes are deep and their eyebrows - outlined very well. The female Aries has a pronounced lower jaw. Her lips are soft. She often appears to have a capricious expression and is enviably consistent in her use of makeup and all kinds of facial cosmetics.
Among the positive traits of Aries are his independence, bravery, enterprising nature, ambition, friendliness, honesty, enthusiasm and activeness. But, Aries are very impatient, hasty, unceremonious and tactless. They lack diplomacy and anger easily.
Aries' fate is to be in a specific field. They choose a path to develop in and see it through to the end. They are thorough and act fast. Suitable fields for prospect for them are the army, police, sports, industry, technology, computer professions.

Representatives of this zodiac sign make good police officers, soldiers, spies, entrepreneurs, railwaymen, technicians, machinists, surgeons, pilots - typical male professions.
Aries are not at all fans of doing favors.
They are very pedantic when it comes to their finances. An Aries would never put efforts into something without getting something adequate in return. If your boss is an Aries, don't hope for a raise.
Aries give cheap but highly practical gifts. They tend to spend more money only for those closest to them and their family. Abundance simply must dominate in the home of an Aries. This star sign knows the value of money, has a tendency to shower the object of his affection with expensive gifts.