»Articles»Mysteries»Eye color superstitions

Eye color superstitions

Eye color superstitions

People with blue eyes, according to beliefs, are constantly moving and full of energy. Fate does not give them gifts, they have to fight alone.

They get along very well with people with brown and black eyes. Blue eyes are constantly strained, they believe they have not done everything they can, only because of a lack of time. The most suitable partners for people with blue eyes are folks with dark eyes.

Blue eyes are those of witty, sensual, temperamental people, who are very amorous. But their passion disappears quickly and gives way to new desires.

People with brown eyes do not like too much work, they rely on the most powerful weapon - that people like them easily. They always suffer from a lack of sufficient forces to deal with problems.

Dark eyed people should always be in a form as to be liked by all, so they can achieve their goals. Most suitable for them as partners are people with blue eyes or gray eyes.

Green-eyed people do not fall into extremes, they always look medium - happy. Whatever they do, they need to be proud of their actions.

Green-eyed live best with people who have green eyes or are blue-eyed, whose eyes change to green sometimes. Green-eyed people are faithful in love and are friends who can be relied upon.

People with brown eyes in which there are gray spots or gray eyes that are splashed with brown, are contradictory. These are people who enjoy unlimited power. The pattern is slightly complicated. Best for them are people of the same color eyes or people with gray-green eyes.

Those with gray-green eyes are a signal that the true qualities of this person can not be completely unleashed due to their own reticence. Their aggression and despotism is not fully realized.

People with this eye color are able to love only if they are loved. They are best matched with partners with gray-brown or brown-green eyes.

People with brown eyes, which flash green, and those with green eyes with brown spray, are people with a philosophical setting to life. They are vindictive, but in a balanced state of mind are wise. Ideal partners are those with gray-green eyes.



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Comments (20)

Kyleigh Renee maxwell
Kyleigh Renee maxwell
15.08.2012 05:58
My eyes change from blue to gray depend on what I wear!
12.08.2012 23:06
same thing with me, if i wear black or probably even navy blue, my eyes go brown. other times, not really sure, but my dad tells me my eyes change according to what i'm wearing. i'm told i have hazel eyes, but i really don't know what hazel is! people with ever-changing eyes can not be defind!
lost 2
lost 2
10.07.2012 00:24
lol I have the same problem, i have darkish blue/green/grey eyes that change color with my clothes & mood. My personality matches alot of the descriptions, so you know what? They just can't define us!
21.06.2012 03:58
Therefore, what is the superstition if your eyes change with the color of clothes you wear? Normally my eyes are a medium blue. When I wear blue, they POP bright blue. When I wear green, they tend to seem bluish/green. If I wear gray clothes, my eyes seem grayish/blue...Signed - Lost!!