
Dead Person

What does it mean to dream of Dead Person?
Dead Person

1. If you see in a dream how a dead person is lowered into a grave, you will part with some hope..

2. If you dream that the dead man in your dream is a stranger, it means deliverance, and if he is close, you will be healthy..

3. If you dream that you are dead, you will be happy, success awaits you..

4. If a dead person in a dream gives you something, you will be lucky..

5. If you see a stillborn child in a dream, then you should beware of someone's evil intentions..

6. If you dream that a dead person is alive, beware of illnesses..

7. If you talk to a dead man in your dream, there will be a death in the family..

8. If you see a living person as a dead person, understanding and happiness will reign in your home..

9. If you kiss a dead man in a dream - your secrets will become clear to people..

10. If you dream that you receive a hug from a dead person in your dream, this is a sign that you will enjoy unexpected support from a superior person..

11. If you dream of your own funeral and you lie like a dead man in a coffin, the dream promises success in all endeavors - both in career and in personal life..

12. If you dream that a dead person suddenly comes to life in a coffin, it portends failure..

13. If you dream that a dead man is crying in his coffin, this is a sure warning of an upcoming big scandal..

14. If you dreamed that a dead man falls from his coffin, this is a sign of great trouble in the future..

15. If you dream that your husband or wife is dying, this is a warning that serious financial troubles may await you or your family is threatened by family drama..

16. If you see dead relatives in your dream, this is a warning to rethink the way you treat your loved ones, because you may somehow hurt them intentionally or unintentionally..

17. If you see a naked dead man in a dream, this is a warning that you have forgotten what are the important things in life and are paying too much attention to material things..

18. If you dream of a dead child, you should be very careful with your health, because it may mean a deadly disease for you..

19. If you dream of a dead baby, it is a sign that failed plans stop you from realizing your other dreams and you lose all hope..


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