1. If you dream of white room, suggests it is something regarding your wealth and health..
Mysteries24.com»Dream Dictionary»White room
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Once when I was young I was having an ordinary dream about something I had been thinking hard on that previous day. Within my dream it ended and switched to a endless white room. I was aloun in the white plan for sometime. Then after a while, everyone I had ever recalled to meet in my whole life was there in the same white space with me. I spent some time with all the familar faces. Then all of a sudden they were all cut in half verticlly, everyone, besides me. I would be with these halfed people but, still calm almost as if I was expecting it to happen. I looked around and was aloun with the dead for some time, everyone I had ever known. cut in half. when after a while I would wake up.
Some years pasted and I was having dreams that would pick up from the night before. but then those continuous dreams that took place in outer space. Would be interupted by the white room. aloun. then a repeat of the dream from my youth. sometimes horizantal sometimes vertical. I am 15 and If I have meet you, I have seen what my subcounious thinks your insides look like.
Some years pasted and I was having dreams that would pick up from the night before. but then those continuous dreams that took place in outer space. Would be interupted by the white room. aloun. then a repeat of the dream from my youth. sometimes horizantal sometimes vertical. I am 15 and If I have meet you, I have seen what my subcounious thinks your insides look like.