»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning Large White Room
White roomIf you dream of white room , suggests it is something regarding your wealth and health.......1
White RoomIf you dream of a white room , then wealth and health await you.......
LargeTo dream that someone is large , means you have good and honest friends.......
RoomTo dream that you walk from room to room , means you are to dedicate indiscriminate acquaintances and connections and...
Large truckTo be dreaming of a big truck, suggests that there are opportunities around you for an inheritance, but not totally......
WhiteTo dream of white , means you are to progress, enjoy good health, achievement, joy and love.......
RootTo dream of cutting roots , suggests you will cause harm.......
RoofDreaming that you fall from a roof , means you will fail.......
Smoky roomTo see a smoky room , means you know of any trouble.......
Room serviceDreaming of room service, means that you will receive or will find an easier way to achieve your goals without expect...
Empty roomTo dream of an empty room , means you are to lose money.......
Hotel RoomIf you dream of a hotel room , then you should beware of health problems.......
Dark roomIf you see in your dream a dark room , you will soon hear of troubles.......
Comfort roomIf you are in a nice room , so you're about to have an exciting relationship with an interesting personality......
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