1. If you dream that a lady is playing backgammon with someone, suggests altercation and quarrels with your friend..
2. If you dream you win the game, means you will suffer defeat..
3. If you dream you get a pool, suggests many enemies..
4. To dream you break or lose at pool, means a bad sign loss, disease and hunger..
5. If dreaming you are in the military and participated in military action, means the loss and defeat..
6. Playing roulette and cards in your dream are a sign of fraud loss..
7. The game of chess, means hectic and full of rough work..
8. If you play chess alone, suggests grief and difficulties in acquiring and maintaining the property..
9. If you dream you won the panels, suggests the death of a relative or friend..
10. To dream you play with dice made from bone, means death..
11. If you dream you play a fun game during the celebration suggests the joy, fun experiences, good health and meet friends..