»Dream Dictionary»To Dream of a Person Smiling
Grin, smiling To dream of a grin or that you are smiling , suggests that you will have small chances.......
PersonDreaming of a person smiling , means you will need the support and understanding of a friend.......
Talking to a Dead PersonIf you talk to a dead person in a dream and they call you to go with them, there will be a death in the family.......
Bring to reason To dream you bring someone to reason, means you yourself should be advised and you need help.......
Dead PersonIf you dream of how a dead person descends into the grave, you will part with hope.......
Deceased Person To dream that you congratulate a deceased person , suggests that you will have fortune.......
PersueIf you dream that you persue of an animal, you will have many errors, which you should fix at any price.......
PeriodIf you dream of a period , you will be presented a harsh truth.......
Talk to the dead To dream you talk with the dead, means in the family will be death.......
Loss of memory To dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintanc...
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
Box of cigarettes To dream of a box of cigarettes, means you realize that you have hopes in vain.......
Pot of money To dream a pot of money, suggests understanding and harmony in the family.......
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- To Dream of Someone Smiling
- Dead Person Smiling in Dream
- Dream of Smiling Meaning
- Meaning of Dream of Someone Smiling
- Dream Meaning of Talking to an Unknown Dead Person
- Dreamed of a Dead Person Talking to you
- Dream of Saving a Drowning Person
- Dreaming of Sick Person
- Hindu Interpretation of Dead Person in Dream