»Dream Dictionary»Meaning of Dreams Broken Mirrors
Broken MirrorIf you dream of a broken mirror , then you are about to worry about accidents or unhappy love.......
Broken MirrorDreaming of a broken mirror , signifies that you may have to worry about accidents or you may have an unhappy love....
MirrorTo dream of a broken mirror , means you are to worry about accidents or have unhappy love.......
Dream of eatingIf you eat in a dream , you will not enjoy your success.......
dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
Dream of deathIf you dream of death for unknown people, you'll have a nice change.......
Dream of own stoolDreaming a broken chair means that you will lose prestige.......
Broken GardenTo dream of a ruined yard, means that you expect trouble at work.......
Broken ToothIf you dream of a broken tooth, worries and problems are ahead.......
Broken KeyIf your dream that you have a broken key and cannot fit it in the lock, it means separation from parents or spouse.....
Broken windowIf you see in your sleep a broken window, await profanity.......
Broken toothIf you dream of a broken tooth, you will have concerns and problems.......
Broken doorIf you dream of a locked door and you can not pass, you're about to ruin your relationship with someone from the fam...
Broken teethIf you dream of Broken teeth, expect problems and cares.......
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