»Dream Dictionary»Eating Rice Dream Interpretation
RiceTo dream of rice , suggests that you'll be given a chance to win.......
RichTo dream that you are rich , suggests it must be kept of speculative transactions.......
Rice PuddingTo dream that you cook, clean or eat rice pudding, means you are to have constant cash.......
Eating sweetsIf you dream that you are eating sweets, it means you are headed for intrigue and problems.......
Eating fishIf you are eating fish in your dream, you're lucky.......
Dream of eatingIf you eat in a dream, you will not enjoy your success. If others eat food, someone will care for you or will woo......
Day dreaming Interpretation of this dream depends on the day of the related elements (sun, stars, moon, clouds, etc).......
LibraTo dream yourself as the sign, means that the interpretation is literal.......
Date, datingdream the exact calendar date, represents an event that happened or will happen on that date and specific details and i...
SalamiDreaming of buying or eating salami, suggests you will trust certain events.......
IcecreamSomeone eating icecream in your dreams means that you have pleasant events and happiness ahead.......
TahiniIf you see someone else eating halva, you will benefit from other people's successes.......
Creme caramelIf you are dreaming, of eating or cooking cream caramel, suggests you are cheating in your family.......
StewTo dream of eating or cooking stew, suggests you will help friends or relatives, or carry a victim.......
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