»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming About Tape Worms
TapeTo dream of a tape , indicates a warning that some confidential information will become public and someone's secrets......
TapeTo dream of objects with tape , predicts that you will increase your capital.......
WormsDreaming that you see a worm , means that you have great prospects.......
WormDreaming that you see a worm , signifies that you have great prospects.......
WorryIf someone causes you to worry in your dream, it means that the person you love needs your attention and cooperation.....
Unrelated wordsDreaming of words that you do not understand or can not pronounce, predicts you will be ashamed of your actions.......
Vulgar wordsTo dream that you hear vulgar words , means that you will be ashamed of what you do.......
Good wordsTo hear good words in your dream, suggests you will enjoy health and a peaceful life.......
TapirDreaming of a Tapir , suggests that you will want to be understood and are lenient towards the problems of people who.....
Water tapIf you dream of a tap , you are going to suffer from excessive credulity.......
WordTo dream that you hear a word , suggests that it carries a warning.......
Work, EmployerTo dream of your work , suggests that you expect a physical and emotional uplift.......
End of worldIf you dream that it was the end of the world , you are breaking your individual empire.......
End of the WorldIf you dream that this is the end of the world , it means you are to smash the empire of some individual.......
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