»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Cutting Fingernails
FingernailsIf you dream that you cut your fingernails , you will suffer losses and failures.......
FingernailsIf you dream of cutting your fingernails , you may suffer losses and failures.......
FingernailIf you dream that you prune your fingernails , you would suffer losses and failures.......
CuttingTo dream cutting anything, suggests that you are losing something.......
Cutting nailsTo dream that you cut your nails, suggests that you will have losses and failures.......
Roots Cutting roots in a dream, means you will hurt someone, likely a friend.......
Day dreaming Interpretation of this dream depends on the day of the related elements (sun, stars, moon, clouds, etc).......
LibraTo dream yourself as the sign, means that the interpretation is literal.......
BambooIf you are cutting it, you may suddenly lose wealth.......
Date, datingdream the exact calendar date, represents an event that happened or will happen on that date and specific details and i...
HaircutDreaming that you are cutting your own hair, means that you will bear trouble and misfortune alone.......
ChiselTo dream of a chisel cutting , means you must try to implement the plans and intentions, or you will you need to stop....
RootTo dream of cutting roots, suggests you will cause harm.......
PumkinSeeing in your dream that you pick pumkin, baking or cutting it, in reality you will have many friends and a family......
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