»Dream Dictionary»Dream About Saving a Girl
SavingTo dream that you save something, means you will soon have better results and your efforts will be rewarded for your......
GirlTo dream of a weeping girl , means to expect trouble.......1
Saving someoneTo dream of saving someone from something, signifies that you will have success and fame.......
Saving moneyTo dream that of the weight of money in your savings book, suggests that you will get rid of expensive and tedious dut...
GirlsIf you dream of good girls , await big expenses.......
Girl poitingIf you see a strange girl poiting somewhere, you will find happiness there, whenever she points away from home.......
Girl ChildIf you dream that a girl child runs and plays, expect a joyful spirit.......
Girl FriendIf you dream that you have a dispute or quarrel with a girl friend, both of you will have great achievements.......
Baby GirlDreaming of a baby girl is a bad omen in general.......
Little GirlIf you dream of strange little girl , you will find happiness away from home.......
RallyTo dream of a rally, means you'll be uncertain about your savings and will have fear of change.......
LeavesIf you cook or eat leaves, suggests that your kids will be healthy and you may have a playful girl .......
BeansTo dream of canned beans, predicts that you are saving the family budget.......
Black hairDreaming of black hair, is a sign of frugality, savings and good health.......
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