Today will bring us confidence and decisiveness, so we're going to be very open and direct when communicating with the opposite sex. On the one hand, this will be advantageous because it will help us clear things up with certain people but on the other, conflicts may arise if we're too brazen in our wants.
Aries - To resolve your love problems today, methods you've until recently thought to be absurd may indeed help. So don't be afraid to experiment. Act with courage and you'll see that the desired results won't be late in coming.
Taurus - Non-single representatives of the zodiac sign have the need of the company of their beloved but since they are not receiving it they will try to comfort themselves with the attention of another admirer. Single Taureans are en route to making a huge mistake. Don't begin a relationship with a person whom you don't have strong feelings for, just out of fear of being alone.

Gemini - Lately you haven't been giving your all into your relationship and your partner has noticed this. If you don't wish to lose them, start to invest more effort and show initiative more frequently. Single Geminis are treating representatives of the opposite sex with disregard and their attitude is repelling potential partners.
Cancer - Today your partner will attempt to confess to you a sorrow that's not giving them peace. Hear them out carefully and try to react as calmly as possible, without judging them. Single Cancers are going to get into a new fling that will last longer than usual for them.
Leo - Today you'll be in an excellent mood and reap successes both at the workplace and on the love front. Those of you who are married can expect a pleasant evening with their partner, while single Leos will enjoy the company of someone from their friends' circle.
Virgo - Today your partner will be overcome by a dark mood that will have a negative effect on your relationship. Your mission today will be to lift them from their sorrow and remind them that there's still a ton of things worth smiling for. Single Virgos are going to regret reckless actions in the past and feel sad about them today. But the stars don't advise them to pay much mind to past events and to only look forward.
Libra - Today is the perfect day to say goodbye to the ghosts of former partners that are preventing you from having a happy relationship. It's about time you cleaned your home of your exes' possessions and freed yourself from their presence forever.

Scorpio - Today your partner is going to feel powerless before life's challenges. Be their support and try to inspire courage and decisiveness in them. Single Scorpios are going to be glamorous and eloquent today. The charm they spray with every step won't go unnoticed by representatives of the opposite sex and they'll very quickly gain more admirers.
Sagittarius - An expected event will impact your personal life. For some born under this sign the change will be a small one, while for others it will be enormous. But whatever the case may be, one thing is certain - starting today nothing will be as it was before.
Capricorn - You'll have to show a bit more understanding toward your partner's preferences. At the moment they have the feeling that they're the only one in the relationship that's making any compromises and this isn't giving them any peace. Single representatives of the sign are going to make an important decision today that will change their personal life, as well as that of others around them.
Aquarius - Today you might feel nondescript and faceless in the eyes of your sweetheart. Don't fill your head with dark thoughts! You too possess a number of wonderful traits and it is because of them that your partner has chosen you. Single Aquarians also have a self-confidence problem. Try to overcome your issues because otherwise it won't be easy to find a suitable partner.
Pisces - Representatives of the sign that are in a relationship are in a romantic mood. But if your partner has not prepared you a sentimental surprise, don't rush to despair. Maybe it's time to take things into your own hands. Single Pisces shouldn't get into reckless love relations today. There's a danger of regretting their behavior the next day.