The day isn't looking to be particularly productive in the love aspect. Your mood may change frequently, which will negatively affect the relationships of many. Those of you who are supposed to have an important date today should postpone it for a bit later in the week. But if you still insist on their taking place, act measured and don't take reckless actions. Avoid getting into conflicts with the object of your affection and demanding explanations from them.
Aries - The problems which have been plaguing your relationship for some time will once again make their presence known. It's about time you admitted they exist and did something about them. Single Aries shouldn't rush events in their attempts to start a new relationship right away. This can play a bad joke on them.
Taurus - No matter how much your partner annoys you today, don't show it. Try to stay away from them and if this is impossible, find a way to ignore their negative qualities and focus on their positive ones. Single Taureans who have recently undergone a setback in love should not give up on their feelings. Wait for a bit of time to pass and try to once again win over the heart of the person you daydream over.

Gemini - A number of prospects will appear before you today. But be careful about which opportunity you take advantage of because some of them may cost you your relationship. Single representatives of the sign need to be on the lookout today. Someone may try to take advantage of their weakness for them and break their heart.
Cancer - There's nothing wrong with you being devoted to your partner, as long as you don't lose your individuality because of your feelings. Unfortunately, that's exactly what's on its way to happening in your case. So stop making compromises and think about your own needs and preferences. Single Cancers need to forget about their fear of failure while talking to the opposite sex. Otherwise, they will continue to be alone for a long time to come.
Leo - Today, single Leos are finally going to have the opportunity to approach the object of their affection. But unfortunately, this will bring them disappointment. Non-single Leos are going to have harmonious and joyous relations throughout the day if they don't spend needlessly and don't burden the family budget with their sudden whims.
Virgo - Today your partner will be in quite a leisurely mood and won't feel like dealing with important tasks. So, if you have something important to do, don't rely on them. Single Virgos, who intend to reveal their sympathies to someone, shouldn't do it on this day. There's a danger of you not being understood correctly and ruining your chance for a relationship.
Libra - You'll want to have peace and quiet at home today, while your partner will want to have fun outside. This difference in your desires may become a cause for arguments and friction between you. Single Libras have wasted quite a lot of time lately in their attempts to impress someone who doesn't deserve it. Now is the time to let love take a backseat and focus your attention on yourself.

Scorpio - There's a high chance of your current partner meeting an old flame of yours today. You definitely won't like the fact that they've met but the stars don't advise you to worry over it because nothing troublesome will result from it. Perhaps single Scorpios need to think about changing their profession. You may have been unable to find love due to a lack of free time.
Sagittarius - Be careful about the kinds of surprises you make for your partner today. You may offend them due to a wrongly chosen gift. Single Sagittarii have need of a break. Go out with friends or find solitude at home but do not, under any circumstances, get involved in yet another short-live flirt.
Capricorn - Today, you and your partner really need to think about sports activities you can do together. This will get your minds off the usual problems and bring diversity in your relationship. Single Capricorns must also set aside time for exercise, jogging or some other type of sport. Physical activity will get you in shape and make you feel a lot more confident when communicating with the opposite sex.
Aquarius - There's a high probability of your partner's friends annoying you today. But it's not your partner's fault in any way, so don't even think about punishing them for their friends' behavior. It would be wise if single Aquarians did not go on a serious date today and avoided contact with the opposite sex online. Spend your time with friends and have fun without flirting.
Pisces - You're going to feel an intense urge to break up with your partner today and erase them from your life once and for all. But the stars don't advise you to make such serious decisions without thinking carefully first. Single Pisces are going to feel lonely and underappreciated today. But don't despair! The perfect person for you will soon appear.