The day will bring a festive, joyous and upbeat mood, with this immediately affecting your relations with representatives of the opposite sex. Those of you who are in a relationship will have the opportunity to prove your strengths to your partner and win their admiration. Some of the zodiac signs who are single will receive a nice present from the Universe. A person from their past, who once brought them a ton of joy, will appear in their lives.
Aries - If you have unvoiced thoughts toward your partner, now is the ideal moment to reveal them. Be more confident and share everything you think about them and your relationship. Single representatives of this zodiac sign should participate in activities with which to expand their horizons. This will help them meet a partner suitable for them.
Taurus - The day is perfect for romantic displays. Surprise your partner with lunch during your lunch break or prepare a candlelight dinner in combination with a fine wine. Single Taureans will be given a valuable lesson today. The feeling won't be particularly pleasant but it'll definitely be sobering.

Gemini - Be more liberal today and allow your partner to finish everything they're dreaming of. By limiting their freedom you're actually pushing them away from you and losing their favor. Single Geminis are going to have to be quite stern and unyielding today if they wish to achieve success on the love front.
Cancer - Be good to your partner today, since you're going to have a great need of them at a given moment. Don't forget, after receiving their aid, to express your gratitude. Single Cancers are going to be in an adventurous mood today and will luckily meet a person who is on the same wavelength.
Leo - Those of you who at this time have 2 relationships going simultaneously have to think about ending at least one of them. Otherwise you're going to complicate your life a lot. Single Leos are confident in their abilities and easily communicate with representatives of the opposite sex. They can expect exciting moments and heated passions.
Virgo - Thanks to your genuineness and happy nature you'll easily attract attention to yourself. But at this time you don't need many admirers, just one person who understands you. Non-single Virgos are going to need the support of their partner and assurance that they're the most important person in their life.
Libra - Today your partner isn't going to want long talks but rather, pleasures of the flesh. Try to get on their level and make them happy. Single Libras will have the opportunity to shine at a social event and attract the attention of someone that catches their eye.

Scorpio - Today, singles of this sign will realize that they have sympathies toward someone whom they had seen as undesirable until now. Non-single Scorpios will have the chance to finally resolve a problem from the past that's been putting their relationship in danger.
Sagittarius - Today your partner is going to make you a proposition that seems risky but even so you won't be able to turn them down. Try not to think about the dangers and think positively because a negative mindset won't be to your advantage. It's better for single Sagittarii to refrain from intimate contacts today. They are way too sensitive and being too close to nonserious people can make them feel bad.
Capricorn - Stop looking at every person you go out with as a potential partner. Your desire to immediately start a relationship can play a bad joke on you and deprive you of a valuable friendship. It's as if non-single Capricorns aren't thinking soberly lately and have been overcome by a pointless jealousy. Take a breather and try to see things as they are in reality. Your suspicions are unfounded.
Aquarius - The period is suitable for telling your partner that you'd like to have a serious relationship, to live together, get married and have kids. Single Aquarians who have nonserious relations can also use the day to have a talk with the person they are seeing and offer them a real relationship.
Pisces - Today, both singles and non-singles of the sign are going to enjoy happy moments. Those of you who are in a relationship will receive your partner's attention. The rest of you may hear an admission of love and compliments aimed your way from different people.