Your day will be loaded with quite a few work tasks. That is why those of you who are in a relationship are going to leave your love relations to take a backseat. At the same time, many of those feeling lonely are going to feel sullen, sad and hopeless. The good news is that you'll be able to overcome your love disappointments and deal with a breakup with a partner.
Aries - Insignificant words that your partner will blurt out in a moment of fury will make you think seriously over your relationship. But the stars advise you not to take what your partner says so seriously because in reality they don't really mean what they are saying when they are agitated. A new fling is going to turn the lives of single Aries upside down and make them feel like teenagers in love.
Taurus - Today you and your partner are going to be put in a situation that will require you to work as a good team. Surprisingly enough, you really are going to do an excellent job as a team and realize that you actually complement each other wonderfully. Single Taureans who prefer flirting and fleeting relationships are not going to have much success today because they're going to come upon those seeking a serious relationship.
Gemini - Stop being so secretive toward your beloved and learn to share more with them. Your silence sometimes confuses and worries them. Single Geminis are going to achieve success on the love front if they manage to correctly read the body language of would-be partners.
Cancer - Today your friends are going to exhibit themselves as love experts and maybe you really should listen to their advice. Sometimes, observers on the sidelines have a more accurate assessment of the situation than the actual participants. Reflect well on what you're being told and make a change.
Leo - Today your partner will find it hard to imagine that one day they may get into a particular role alongside you. Convince them that there's nothing scary about this and that their fears are unwarranted. Single Leos will achieve success in their communication with people of interest if they show that they know who they are and what they want out of life. But still, don't be too self-confident.

Virgo - Today you'll realize that the problems you're having with your current partner were also a problem in a past relationship. Try to learn your lesson from your old mistakes and not repeat them. Single Virgos are going to have to compete for the attention of the person they're attracted to. Be careful because the competition will be fierce.
Libra - Your distractedness is going to play a bad joke on you today. The tasks you've failed to finish at work are going to take away from your free time and your partner won't like this at all. Single Libras are also going to have a pile of work to do and aren't going to pay much attention to their love passions.
Scorpio - A decision that you're going to make today will have an affect not only on your life but that of your partner as well. Be very careful because the consequences of this move will be unpleasant if you proceed incorrectly. Single Scorpios are going to be bolder and more decisive than ever today and thanks to this are not going to be lonely tonight.
Sagittarius - Today you're going to wish you could get more security from your partner. But if you've only recently gotten together with your partner, the stars don't advise you to bring up the subject of living together, marriage and kids. Single representatives of this zodiac sign should not participate in thoughtless intimate contacts today. An undesired pregnancy and complications in relations are possible.
Capricorn - Minuscule problems that have recently appeared in your life are going to have an unfavorable effect on your love life. But the stars advise you not to pay them too much mind and not allow them to sully your relationship. Capricorns who don't have someone serious by their side are going get caught up in rather confusing relations today. Despite this, they'll be excited and experience emotions never felt before.
Aquarius - Your partner is going to be exceptionally sensitive today and have a tendency to be affected even by jokes you find to be harmless. Accept that they're simply having a bad day and don't pay their attitude too much mind. Single Aquarians are going to have need of the comforts of home and romance but unfortunately, won't receive it.
Pisces - The ton of assignments at the workplace today are going to exhaust you and your desire for intimacy will vanish. Try to explain how you feel to your partner so that they don't take your refusal of affection the wrong way. Single Pisces are going to socialize relatively easily with the opposite sex but nonetheless won't begin a new relationship because they are way too confused at this time.