If you have urgent business to attend to today, use the morning hours to get it done because afterward it'll be hard for you to. Since the Moon and Uranus are in a tense aspect, you're going to feel tension and will have a tendency to dramatize even the smallest problems. Be cautious throughout the entire day and try not to let your emotions loose. If you have important meetings coming up, try to postpone them for another day. Avoid starting new initiatives. Be patient and take a breather because tomorrow will bring you more pleasant emotions.
Aries - If you're feeling unsure of your abilities today, avoid taking up important assignments at the workplace. Tell your coworkers that you'll give it your all but they shouldn't expect miracles from you regardless.

Taurus - Today you feel quite tense and every delay in the events around you will stress you out further. Even though you're doing everything you can to keep things under control, there's a chance they'll go astray and some of your plans will not come to pass.
Gemini - Throughout the day you're going to have the opportunity to improve your financial state by finishing projects you've already started. Your chances for success are extremely high but still, be on the lookout and don't trust people you don't know well enough.
Cancer - Your imagination is unleashed today and there's nothing but good ideas milling around in your head. Even if some of them seem absurd at the moment, don't ignore them because unsuspected opportunities will open for you in the future.
Leo - Today you're wasting way too much time thinking about missed opportunities. Stop thinking about the past and feeling sorry for yourself. Lift your head up proudly and take on new challenges. This is the only way you'll enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.
Virgo - It's possible that today you feel as if the efforts you're putting into your work and personal life are not being recognized by your coworkers and loved ones. Luckily, in reality this isn't so and tomorrow you'll have a completely different opinion.

Libra - The events that will assail you today will test your morality. You'll be given the opportunity to get involved in an affair but before you do so you have to be fully aware of what you're risking. The stars advise you to be careful.
Scorpio - You're going to have an exhausting day, loaded with all sorts of emotions. Still, if you keep your cool and try to think positively you'll realize that the situation isn't that grim.
Sagittarius - When making decisions today, trust your intuition primarily and not so much the facts. It will help you make the most accurate assessment, so do not underestimate it under any circumstance. Learn to rely more on your inner voice.
Capricorn - If possible, use the day for taking a walk in nature. The hectic and demanding life in closed spaces isn't having a good effect on you and you need to look for a way to change it. You have a need to reconnect with nature.
Aquarius - Even though you try to be independent, you have a much greater need of friends and loved ones than you think. Admit this fact and understand that it's quite normal for a person to count on the aid of the people around them.
Pisces - The little hardships that will get in your way today will quickly lead you to panic. Stop getting so worked up and look around. Your problems can be solved a lot easier than you think.