The Moon will be void of course in Scorpio during the 1st half of the day, which is why we need to be more cautious. You can use the Moon's pause to clear up old misunderstandings.
Aries - You'll easily lose self-control today but even though the day's news will distress you, you'll manage to handle the problems, as long as you get a hold on yourself and mobilize. Be tolerant with the people who don't understand the reasons for your anger and don't take out your bad mood on them. Love is close to those seeking a new partner.
Taurus - It's likely you're facing a serious drama with your finances but you can count on your loved ones to deal with it, instead of trying to work miracles by yourself. They can help you with a small loan or give you valuable advice if you're having trouble managing your money. An exchange of ideas will only bring you closer to others to those around you.

Gemini - Throughout the day you're going to have the feeling that you're being used to do other people's work. But you shouldn't refuse any extra tasks because they will be your opportunity to avoid financial problems. Love will be in the air today and singles will meet their soul mate.
Cancer - Today you're going to have to defend your interests because people who are ready to swindle you will appear, taking advantage of your apprehension. Curiosity will help you today and with it you may find new options for working more efficiently. At the end of the day you may give in to romance.
Leo - Your expenses are going to seriously worry you because they are essential, yet you were not prepared for them. The situation will stress you out but if you give in to the tension you won't resolve your problems. Avoid talking about your situation with your older loved ones because they'll criticize you without being ready to help you.
Virgo - It's likely today will be the day you plan your summer break and you need to very carefully think about the amount of money you're going to set aside for your vacation. Don't decide everything yourself, seek the opinion of loved ones, whose experience may help you.
Libra - You have huge plans for today, although a large portion of them won't transpire, making you feel uncomfortable because you were too quick to brag, before your projects yielded actual results. Consult with the people around you more often because they can give you helpful ideas.
Scorpio - Today you'll manage to solve one of your big problems thanks to your patience and insight. You'll make your loved ones proud of you by proving to them you can handle it yourself. An unexpected meeting may again reignite the passions of singles.

Sagittarius - Your money situation today will be cause for concern, most likely because you have an important trip coming up. You need to be more considerate and mind the wants of the people you're going to be traveling with in order to avoid unneeded tension. Be more focused at work because a single missed detail can seriously hamper you.
Capricorn - Today you'll have a good reason for a breather because you'll see the progress you've made with your plans. You'll only have difficulties if you've taken up serious tasks ahead of time. Even if you'd like to postpone them, it's better not to because this will only complicate them.
Aquarius - You're going to get into domestic disputes today, regardless if they concern you personally or not. These clashes will stem primarily from the fact that you're trying to impose your viewpoint without hearing the other person to the end. Excessively emotional reactions will irritate you today and you won't be indifferent.
Pisces - It's looking to be a peaceful day today because you're going to feel relief at work after several weeks of intense overexertion. You can take a break with a clear conscience because many of your projects are headed toward a successful conclusion. Meetings with friends and those close to you will charge you with positive energy today.