To find out what numerology has in store for you this coming week, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding up the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 – Open up your consciousness and you’ll be able to see things in a new way. Listen to your friends – they will give you valuable information that will help you get into new and exciting undertakings. Say “yes” to fun and parties this week. The period is good for those looking for a new job.
2 – This week falls under the sign of romance. Try to be the best partner you can be and do something sweet for your beloved. If you’re alone or going through a breakup you’ll be able to objectively assess what’s going on around you. Think about whether the opportunities presented aren’t too good to be true. This week you’ll easily differentiate between true friends and those who simply want to take advantage of your inborn generosity.
3 – Others may not appreciate everything you’ve been doing for them until you no longer do so. If you want to attract the attention of your sweetheart, simply ignore them. Sometimes you are too patient. The stars’ advice is for you to be more egocentric. Don’t be afraid of confrontations, even though you prefer diplomacy. If you’re true to yourself, you’ll make the right decisions at the right time.
4 – This week you’ll develop your ability to do several things simultaneously. You’ll run, talk and send texts constantly. Your plans about going out with friends will change quite unexpectedly and you’ll be drawn into an exciting adventure. You may end up in a romantic relationship that will require more understanding and love. Sometimes a kind word can do wonders. Encourage the more modest people around you to go out and have fun.
5 – Your skill to persuade will grow even further if you use it with a dose of humor and genuine enthusiasm. A positive attitude emboldens people and leads to them working with a smile on their face. Stop your worrying – none of the bad things going through your head will actually happen. Research everything very carefully and know that your opinion’s been heard.
6 – The week will be a lot more exciting than normal. This is the ideal time to plan an adventure or big project with friends. You’ll be given the opportunity to spend time with your family – it will be brimming with fun and emotions. The more time you spend with kids or the elderly, the better. Open up your heart and be an example to others. Leave all jealousy aside. There is a risk of complications should you mix business with pleasure. Rely on your integrity - it's always the best solution.

7 - Be patient, even if things aren't happening as quickly as you'd like. Examine your problems, without looking for their source. Discuss the situation with a close person you can trust. Don't forget that you are a person too and need fun in life. Family or community events will take up a huge portion of your time and leave you glowing. Your best qualities are easily noticed. Put your faith in your charm and sense of humor.
8 - For you, this week falls under the sign of new beginnings. Try to remain focused on your main tasks. Don't take on too many things simultaneously. Set some time aside from your busy routine to enjoy the little things and quiet moments of simple beauty. Confrontations due to the different temperaments are possible, even with someone truly close. Learn to be thankful and try to compromise.
9 - You have need of fun and exciting experiences. This week you'll be able to renew old friendships or make plans on how to get people together. You'll be calmer than usual and feel less self-critical. New friendships may steer you toward a new direction of growth. You may be facing a period of intense work, your success therein proving your good preparation. You'll receive the support of loved ones. If you follow your heart you'll be happy in love.
11 - Be exceptionally careful with your finances. There won't be any radical change this week, so be patient and cautious. Don't make any financial investments since these won't bring you the expected payoff. Despite this, you're loaded with energy, which will enable you to get more work done than your coworkers. Friends or relatives may make unreasonable demands of you. Put yourself first. Problems may arise in your relations with your partner.
22 - Parents and children will fall into rather serious conflicts. Look for the best possible solution, follow the example of someone who doesn't take things so seriously and loves to joke around. A positive mindset will change everything in your life. Surround yourself with fun and happy people. Relax in your free time - this week you're allowed to be lazy. Allow yourself something simple that brings you genuine happiness each day.