Taureans are calm and confident in themselves. They are traditionalists and do not like changes. Their sense of ownership is strongly expressed and this often puts them in unpleasant situations.
Representatives of this zodiac sign love beauty and coziness, they are proficient in the arts as well. Whenever they are able to realize their gifts professionally - that is when they feel superb.
Taureans are not the most talkative but keep their word and because of this quality are highly appreciated by others.

Representatives of this sign are very stubborn, you will find it very difficult to discourage them if they get something on their mind.
But they also manage to successfully finish everything they start up. They are always ready to share their money with those less fortunate than they.

Taureans are full of life, peaceful, persistent, patient and loyal but they often needlessly display obstinance, inaction, distrust and rancor.
The male Taurus is of medium height, with a wide face and well-developed cheekbones. His eyebrows are thick, the nose large with wide nostrils.
The female Taurus is often at risk of weight gain, she has a robust body with toned thighs. She has a lovely face and her eyes are expressive.
Taureans don't like to rush, they prefer to think things through. Usually they focus their efforts in a single direction. They are not very adaptable and don't adjust quickly to a situation.
Representatives of this sign can take a lot of pressure and their coworkers often slack from their obligations at their expense.
A Taurus's fate is a life filled with changes and professional success. The fields suitable for his development are financial and insurance institutions, agriculture and forestry, natural science, biology, art, culture.
Taureans make excellent bankers, brokers, shopkeepers, musicians, singers, medics and biologists.
They are serene and patient. They do have a hard time adapting but once they outline their goal they pursue it till the end.
To show others what he's got, a Taurus needs to be encouraged, stimulated and materially interested.