The number of centennials in Great Britain has increased by 71% in the past 10 years, writes the Daily Mail newspaper. A British expert theorizes that the age limit will continue to rise but explains that those hoping to live 2-3 times longer will be severely disappointed.
This is the position held by Prof. Colin Blakemore. He is also convinced that there is a certain limit to the duration of human life. According to him, the human body cannot continue living more than 120 years.
Of course there have been such cases but Prof. Blakemore believes that they are truly rare and even with the advancement of medicine and technology, similar isolated cases will not become more common.
The professor shared his views during a gerontology conference. The other experts present agreed that medications can have an effect on extending human life but it will be quite minimal.
For them it is of greater importance to improve the health and quality of life of elderly people, instead of looking for ways to extend it. By the year 2050, the number of 60-year-olds will be nearly twice the number they are today.

According to the Global AgeWatch Index, currently they are 12% of the population, while in 2050 they will be about 21%. The index has ranked 96 countries according to the quality of life of the people.
What's being noticed is that the people aged over 80 are numbering more and more - right now they are 2%, and by 2050 it is estimated that they will be 4% of the population. The claims by Prof. Colin Blakemore are the exact opposite of those made by another scientist - Dr. Pankaj Kapahi, a researcher at the Buck Institute in California.
According to Dr. Kapahi, the advancement in science can significantly lengthen human life by up to 5 times.