Twenty days after leaving New York on December 4th 1872, the ship collects its seafarers who wish to travel aboard the Grace Day. However the day was violated by the incident that they will never forget. Shortly after he made his usual afternoon checking Morehouse saw the captain of another ship several miles away. His canvases were stretched to overcome the north wind, and seemed to run correctly. After the mysterious ship approached, Morehouse began to welcome it by blowing his trumpet, but his greetings were only greeted by silence.
With the idea that there's something strange, he sent an assistant captain along with two seamen of the ship to investigate the situation. When approached, they saw the name of the vessel Marie Celeste.
Boarding on board, they heard only the wind and ocean that were pushing in the hull. Not seeing a living soul.
Worried that maybe the ship would sink, they checked the hold for water. Although it opened three and a half feet of water, this amount was not dangerous and can easily be pumped from the pumps, which were in good condition.
Looking at the ship, the mystery deepened. Everywhere they look, gave the feeling that people have left with the plan to return. Their clothes, boots, money, razors, pipes and other personal belongings were on board. With the exception of laundry, everything was neat and folded. The ship had food stocks for six months and enough fresh water. In the master cabin, which was silent, but not tidy, they discovered a woman and a child.
Satisfied that no one on board that ship was not in immediate danger of sinking, the men returned to the Grace Day. Although they had no idea what happened to the Marie Celeste, obviously people were just missing. Its boats had gone, the documents of the vessel and navigational instruments were all missing. From the log book it is understood that the ship had left 10 days earlier and for 500 to 7540 miles is self-propelled. Since it seems unnecessary to search for the missing crew, Captain Morehouse and his men decided to bring the ship into port and get their remuneration. So Marie Celeste arrived in Gibraltar on 13th December, just 12 hours after Day Grace.
While it seemed strange the vessel completely healthy and without any serious damage is deserted at first, no one worried about the crew. Everyone was convinced that they were probably mounted on a passing ship and the appearance will give an explanation of what happened. However hat never happened as they were never any appearances.
With the ship as evidence it had been difficult to guess what was wrong. Investigations did not stop and any theory became increasingly absurd. Initially, they suspected that the people of Grace Day and the crew of the other vessels had made the situation in order to receive remuneration. It was difficult to assess.
Then the next theory was that the ship was no riot and was of murder, as evidenced by the brownish red spots on the deck, railings plus a small incision made by an ax and an old rusty sword that had traces of blood. The vessel transported alcohol and only one barrel was damaged. The researchers decided that this might have led to theoretical rebellion. On the other hand, everything was arranged, and finally proved that the following was not that of blood on the deck.

A more convincing theory was that the crew was in a panic attack. But what could it cause? Some decided that the ship was caught in an undersea reef and people thought they would drown and decided to leave the ship. Then maybe the wind changed and the ship was released from the reefs.
What actually happened? Many say that the crew were wrapped up in the Bermuda Triangle. We may never understand. The story of Marie Celeste remains one of the biggest mysteries ever over seas.