The mystical rituals that are applied for attracting or keeping love, have their beginnings from way back during the Middle Ages, where a young girl's desire to find a husband was equivalent to her desire for good health.
One of the oldest rituals that showed whether a partner loves us, was the picking off of daisy petals.
This widely spread ritual shows whether the feelings are mutual, as the answer to the question - he loves me, he loves me not (she loves me, she loves me not), is given by the last petal of the flower.

This ritual was born in Renaissance France, where girls would pick entire bouquets of white daisies.
The groom carrying the bride over the threshold is a ritual dating back to the Middle Ages. It is believed that this removes evil spirits from the home.
Another ritual that became famous during this period was the one where young girls would throw coins in a fountain, hoping to marry as soon as possible. It was even thought that the candidate bride would be able to see the face of her future groom in the water.
A curious ritual is one where rice grains are thrown over the newly married couple. This tradition was inherited from the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians.

These peoples believed that rice was a symbol of fertility and would bestow upon the family much happiness and many children.
In the ancient traditions, there are also a number of rituals for calling love. The most well-known includes drawing yourself and the person you wish to fall in love with you as detailed as possible.
Under the drawn figures you must place a bidirectional arrow, under which you write down the feeling that you wish to be born between the two of you.
Do not use love magic for revenge or punishment, because you yourself will be punished.