»Articles»Mysteries»The Bermuda Triangle and its History

The Bermuda Triangle and its History


Undoubtedly the most precise definition behind the name Bermuda Triangle is area, which is a triangle in the sea and is limited to approximately the same distance from a thousand miles off the coast of Florida, Bermuda Islands and Puerto Rico.

In October 1952, George X. Sand first presents the "triangle" to his readers in a short article for Fate magazine, entitled "Sea Mystery at our back door."

Sand's article talks about the recent disappearance of Sandra ship in 1950 and also discuss some of the other mysterious mysteries that have occurred recently, such as Flight NC16002, Star Tiger and Star Ariel, paying a larger part of the article on Flight 19.

In the 50s, the "Triangle" remains a colloquialism absorbed by local people in the event of a disaster or unexplained disappearance. By the early 60s, it acquired the name "Triangle of Death".

Bermuda Triangle

In his book, "Wings of mystery" in 1962, Dale Titler also devotes a chapter "The Mystery of Flight 19" to talk about the very latest cases of disappearances and even began to ponder theories about this, such as electromagnetic anomalies and implications of "Project Magnet". His book sets manners for discussions on the "triangle."

In April 1962, Alan Eckert wrote a sensational column in the magazine of the American Legion Flight 19 - "The Mystery of the Lost Patrol", which presents some of the most popular dialogues purporting to come from Flight 19 - including that the ocean looks strange, all compasses are confused and can not take any directions into account, in "everything is strange." It stands at the heart of discussions of the electromagnetic field.

Then in February 1964, Vincent Gaddis wrote an article for Argosy magazine, which is slightly different from the others, though he added a few recent cases of disappearances, such as that of the "Sea sulfuric queen." The name unites public opinion, namely "deadly Bermuda Triangle. " Adding "Bermuda" finally specifies the area in which all these mysteries happen.

Old ship

In his popular book of 1965 "Invisible Horizons", Gaddis devoted chapter 13 of "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle. " The concept of the Bermuda Triangle was getting more spreading rapidly.

By an irony of fate, the first published book on the subject is entitled "Forgetfulness of the Lost" (1969) John Spencer, in which he suggested that the area in which these mysteries occur had no real shape and even tried to integrate the Gulf of Mexico, and New Jersey.

Dozens of articles in magazines and newspapers came out in the early 70s on the subject and each author offers a variety of names for the mysterious location and different locations. For example, Richard Weiner suggests the name "the Devil's Triangle" and extends almost to Azores near Portugal. Ivan Sanderson on the other hand is sure of an oblong shaped mysterious spot, in terms of location, suggesting that it is located north of Bermuda.

But none of the books on the subject sold as well as that of Charles Berlitz 1974 " Bermuda Triangle ", which became a bestseller. Its sales exceed five million copies and became a phenomenon. And although Berlitz also has doubts about the precise form of the mysterious area, society approved of the name Bermuda Triangle.

Nevertheless, only one of the books written on the subject is known and continues to be issued today, namely: Larry Kusche's book "The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - the answer."
