From the location of moles can be interpreted human nature and destiny. It is assumed that the greater the mole, the more important its role. The location of the mole on the face and body can also be insights to personality traits.
If a mole is on the forehead - right means mind, fame, prosperity; left – extravagance and helplessness.
Eyelid moles talk about a peaceful character, confidence and accuracy.
On the eyebrows - right, is for happiness and a possible early marriage, left is for difficulties and struggles. If you have a mole in the ear- it means ruthlessness. On the cheek - right, happiness, especially in marriage, left, difficulties, struggle.
On the cheekbones - success, prosperity, good luck . Around the mouth - sensuality. Chin - poor health . On the nose - very lucky, well- developed sexuality .
Neck - alternating successes and many broken hopes.
Wrist - natural ability, leading to success.
On the right hand – luck, on the left - money worries.
Shoulder - difficult and complex life.
On the chest, right- variable fate, left- success and happiness, in women - hot issues and temperament, coupled with a bad temper.
Belly – self- obsessed, with many weaknesses, sloth and greed.
On the back - honesty and generosity, combined with arrogance and egomania. When the mole is very low - inclination to sensuality and weaknesses.
On the side, right- cowardice, left - ironic attitude towards yourself.
On thighs - front and back - strong, healthy children and many grandchildren;
Side and inside the right thigh - good character, wealth and happiness in family life;
The left thigh - loneliness, loss, poverty, often falling into depression and instability of character.
Right knee - carefree marriage and financial security; the left - vanity.
Ankle - sophistication, becoming man in the dandy, and for women - a sign of diligence and energy.
On the right foot - a tendency to leave relationships, on the left - wit. A series of moles on the hands - a sign of wealth that grows.