

What does it mean to dream of Tooth?

1. If you have beautiful, healthy and white teeth in a dream, financial success awaits you..

2. If you dream that you have a rotten tooth, this is a warning that a close relative is threatened by health or financial problems..

3. If you dream that your tooth is falling out, you will find out about someone's death. If it is a molar or a wisdom tooth, a distant acquaintance will die, and if it is a front tooth - your close relative. If it hurts when you fall, it has to do with a close person or relative..

4. If you have a tooth pulled, you will make mistakes in your work..

5. If you wear artificial teeth in your dream, be more careful in your judgment of people, because you may become a victim of fraud or petty fraud..

6. If you dream that your tooth is shaking - this is a sign that your health is shaken and you need to take a well-deserved rest and visit specialists, because there is a danger of getting seriously injured..

7. If you dreamed that you were left without teeth, this is an ominous sign that your family members and you are threatened by serious diseases that may even threaten your life..

8. If you dream that pulling out a tooth in a dream, this may be a sign that you are facing serious trouble at work. Watch your colleagues' backs and don't take on other people's duties..

9. If you dream that your teeth are broken, this is an evil omen intended to make you pay attention to your health, because the health problems that will strike you can cost you your life..

10. If you dream that you are brushing your teeth, this may be a warning that you will soon face a big challenge..

11. If you have a toothache in a dream, then someone is after your property. If another has a toothache, then your relatives will insult you..

12. If you dream of a tooth being filled, you should be wary of hidden intentions..

13. If you dream that you are going to the dentist, you will need a friend or confessor in a difficult moment..


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