

What does it mean to dream of Mother?

1. If you see your mother in a dream, success awaits you..

2. If you see your mother dead in a dream, it means you are worrying about something for no reason..

3. If you dream that your mother is dying, a difficult period is ahead of you, you will have troubles..

4. If you dream of your deceased mother, it is a sign that you have a long life ahead of you. If you talk to her and she tells you that she has come for someone, it portends death in the family..

5. If you dream of someone's mother, then you will get something valuable..

6. If your mother cries in your dream, you will be happy in reality..

7. If you dream of your mother after her death, well-being and joy await you..

8. If you talk to your mother, then you will have success in your affairs and you will have great achievements. Success in work..

9. If you dream of your mother, but you don't recognize her, it's a sign that you should do music..

10. You visited your mother in a dream, who in reality is healthy, but in a dream she has fallen ill or is in pain, it means that you have offended her with something..

11. Pay attention to what your mother does and tells you in the dream, this is a warning about something..

12. When you dream that you are fighting with your mother, this is a warning to be more careful in your relationships with others..

13. Listen more to the words of the people around you who love you and think only the best for you..

14. If you dream that you are a pregnant mother, then you will have failures and difficulties for a long time. If you see a pregnant mother in a dream, expect a serious obstacle at your workplace..


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