

What does it mean to dream of Brother?

1. If you see your own brother in your dream, then you will have family peace and tranquility..

2. If you dream that your brother is wearing new clothes, it means that something will pleasantly surprise you..

3. If your brother swims in your dream, it means that you will have problems, there is a possibility that he will have health problems..

4. To dream that you are talking to your brother means that you will both be rich..

5. If you see your brother dead in a dream, it portends a long life for you..

6. If a brother was born to you in a dream, a long and happy life awaits you..

7. If you fight with your brother in a dream, you will have a misunderstanding with your friends..

8. If you see your brother's funeral in a dream, a hard life awaits you..

9. If you see your dead brother in your dream, this is a warning that you will hear unpleasant news about your loved ones..

10. If you do not have a brother, but in a dream you do, this is a sign that you should see in yourself qualities that you do not yet have..

11. If you are angry with your brother in a dream, this is a sign of repressed anger in you that you are afraid to express..

12. If you dreamed that you were drowning your brother in water, this is a sign that he will live long..

13. If you beat your brother in a dream, you will experience many difficulties in your life in the future..

14. If you hug your brother in a dream, family holidays await you..

15. If you see your injured brother in a dream, you will soon become rich..

16. If you dream of your brothers, this is a very good sign and indicates that you will have success and enjoy your success..

17. If in your dream your brothers are sad or need help - this may be a sign that you will soon learn sad news about them or suffer serious losses..

18. If you are talking to your brothers in a dream - you will get rid of big trouble..


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