»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming That Tsunami is Running After me
TsunamiDreaming of the tsunami , indicates that you are congested with old feelings and emotions.......
RunningTo dream that you run, means that you will be independent, careless and free after some difficulties.......
RunningDreaming of running water, suggests you are yet to have your time.......
Running AwayIf you dream of running away, you should stop running from yourself, and your problems.......
Runnig waterIf you dream of running water, your time is nigh.......
ThankIf you thank someone, your colleagues would treat you with contempt.......
StampedeIf you are dreaming of a stampede, you may be running from yourself.......
BloodTo dream of a nose bleed, indicates it is you that is mad for money or property.......
FreezerTo dream that you buy a freezer, predicts that you set about to change something, which is dangerous.......
TramTo dream that the tram is running , predicts that you are to succeed, but should not forsake the unfinished dutie...
Topaz after an unrequited love, or will be restored after surviving a crisis.......
EscapeTo dream of escape, means that your are running from one's self, and that you need to overcome your fears.......
ButterflyDreaming that you see a butterfly, predicts that you will meet a lover.......
AvoidanceIf you dream that you avoid someone, it means that you will be independent, careless and free, after some difficul...
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