»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming About Candy
CandyIf you see or eat candy in your dream, it symbolizes joy and small rewards in life.......
CanaryTo dream of a canary , means happiness. To dream you see a canary , means a good man.......
CandleTo dream of any candle , symbolizes good health.......
CanalTo dream that you are digging a canal , means you will make a very huge effort to bring proceedings to a successful con...
Burning candleTo dream of a burning candle is a sign of good health.......
Canoe or kayakTo dream you see a canoe or kayak, means you should not hurry to tie candidate partners who know you should not take.....
HeroIf you dream about someone being a hero, indicates you will rise above your enemies.......
WreckTo dream of ancient ruins, signifies that you are expected to rise above the sad news about a relative or friend.......
TickTo dream that you can hear a tick, predicts that you should care about your health situation and suggests that you....
WorriedBeing concerned about someone in your dream, means you will hear good news from or about them.......
ZipperA zipper in a dream means you are about to discover something that was secret.......
MissingIf you dream that you are lost, you can expect to experience damage and losses.......
GarglingTo dream about gargling, suggests you care a lot about your health because you are afraid of diseases.......
Broken MirrorIf you dream of a broken mirror, then you are about to worry about accidents or unhappy love.......
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