»Dream Dictionary»Dream About a Body Without a Head
BodyDreaming of the body of a man, signifies that you will have setbacks, problems and troubles.......
HeadTo dream of a deformed head , means you will be mislead about something.......
HeadA deformed head in a dream is a sign that you will be fooled about something.......
BodyTo dream of a body without a head , indicates that you will be confused and embarrassed.......
Without individualIf you dream of many people or entities, you may consider yourself to communicate with people without ambition and ris...
HealTo dream that yo heal someone, means you will enjoy some news as you will hear good news.......
HeapTo dream of a heap of something, means you expect problems in the workplace.......
HeatTo feel heat in your dream, means you will feel tense and be worrying about something and to feel concern.......
HeatIf you feel heat on your face in a dream, you will find yourself in a confusing situation.......
HeatAlternatively to dream of heat on your face, suggests that someone may be evil to you.......
Shaved HeadTo dream of a shaved head , signifies that you will be reviled, or your luck will leave regardless of any effort you......
Severed HeadDreaming of a severed head , means you will avoid trouble and you may face danger.......1
Bottom (body)To see a person\'s bottom in your dream, means you will hear about some news.......
Dead bodyIf you dream of seeing how a dead body descends into a grave, expect to part with hope.......
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