»Dream Dictionary»Shaved Head Dream
Shaved HeadTo dream of a shaved head , signifies that you will be reviled, or your luck will leave regardless of any effort yo...
HeadTo dream of an animal head , means you will laugh.......
HeadIf you shave your head in a dream , you will be ashamed of something.......
ShaverDreaming of a shaver , means that you should be wary of your rash actions which might bring harm to you and have lastin...
HealTo dream that yo heal someone, means you will enjoy some news as you will hear good news.......
HeatTo feel heat in your dream , means you will feel tense and be worrying about something and to feel concern.......
HeapTo dream of a heap of something, means you expect problems in the workplace.......
HeatIf you feel heat on your face in a dream , you will find yourself in a confusing situation.......
HeatAlternatively to dream of heat on your face, suggests that someone may be evil to you.......
SharesTo dream you buy shares , indicates that in reality you will have a problem.......
SharesTo dream that you have shares in a property, indicates that you may have a disagreement or quarrel between counterpa...
Severed HeadTo dream you sever someone's head , suggests that you will achieve victory over your enemies.......1
Human headTo dream that you see a human head , means wisdom, intellect, understanding and rationality.......
ShareTo dream that you get a share of something, means that you will not appreciate it and you will be modest.......
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