»Articles»Ancient World»The Geniuses who Stunned the World with Their Strange Habits

The Geniuses who Stunned the World with Their Strange Habits


The great minds that history remembers not only stand out with their genius but often with a number of strange habits as well. Take a look at some of the researchers that humanity will remember as being quite weird.

Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983)

This man will be long remembered as an architect and the father of a number of futuristic concepts for cars and buildings. We also have to think him for the term "synergetics". Fuller's strangeness was his way of understanding time. He always worried that there was never enough of it and slept only 2 hours a day. He also wore several watches on his hand, set to different time zones.

Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943)

A renowned physicist, electromechanical engineer, who became world famous for his breakthroughs in the field of alternating current and power supplying. But few know how many strange habits this scientist had. It was said that Tesla fell into panic at the thought that he might touch a dirty object. He would wash his hands many times every day to make sure they were clean. He also had a fear of pearls and disliked touching hair.


Alan Turing (1912 – 1954)

Turing is considered one of the most emblematic individuals of the computer era. Computer science progressed significantly thanks to his work. But like many of his colleagues, this scientist also had no small number of quirks. People who saw the genius often tell that he would walk with a gas mask on in summer and spring because of his allergies. Aside from this, Turing had absolutely no concern for changes in the weather and had no problem wandering outside, even in pouring rain.

Oliver Heaviside (1850 – 1925)

An important figure for physics and mathematics, who was famed for his eccentricity among his social circle. Heaviside adored his nails and often painted them pink. He also disliked classical furniture, so he emptied his home of all such and placed granite blocks in their place. Additionally, the scientist very frequently forgot to eat and consumed only milk for days on end.
